How aerospace profits from HUBER temperature control technology
No doubt, research is fascinating. Research brings constantly new challenges for temperature control applications and this is our place, offering temperature control from as low as -125°C up to 425°C. @HUBER we are inspired by temperature and have been awareded the most innovative company in the German Mittelstand in 2017.
AEROSPACE is a pretty exciting industry that may profit from the unique temperature control technology of HUBER. When fast temperature changes, accurate and stable but also reliable and reproducible temperature control are key to your success, we need to talk!
UNISTATS® are commonly used to provide constant temperature for environment simulations, materials testing such as temperature stress and/or loading tests for materials, gearboxes, bearings and/or engine parts. Other areas of use are research, test series and quality controls on batteries, rechargeable batteries and electronic components.
HUBER temperature control technology is seen the leading solution in the world for conception, construction and operation of test stands and testing chambers. Let me share some customer information, which is not confidential:
University of Bern- Component tests
Soon after the space probe Philae had successfully landed on the surface of the comet Tschury we were reported, that our Unsitats® played a major part of the temperature related research and testing of components laterly used in the space probe that made the news.
A high-vacuum environmental simulation chamber had been built at the Physics Institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland) to simulate the harsh and rapidly changing environment within which Philae had to reliably operate. UNISTATS® contributed to these tests with the unique ability to rapidly change between high and cryogenic temperatures.
“This is a big step for mankind,” said ESA’s Director General after the touch down. Of course we @HUBER are also proud of this success – proud enough to share :-).
CERN – Aerosol chamber
At Cern (Switzerland) one purpose of a UNISTAT® is to precisely control the temperature of an aerosol cloud chamber, made of stainless steel. The chamber contains ultra-pure air. The installed liquid to air heat exchanger has to provide temperatures from -95°C to +45°C, whereby the temperature stability at measuring levels has to be within a range of +/-0.01K. Unistat®s provide most accurate and reproducible temperature control.
There are unlimited applications in the aerospace industry, most of them confidential due to well respected NDA`s but we have the knoweledge and the technology to put your application at the temperature level you want it to be.
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